Paradox Community

Items in comp.databases.paradox

Subject:Re: Using variable with tcursor use setvalue?
Date:17 May 2019 00:37:12 -0400
From:"Kevin Zawicki" <>

try this:

1. setFieldValue ( const fieldName String, const value AnyType ) Logical
2. setFieldValue ( const fieldNum SmallInt, const value AnyType ) Logical


setFieldValue sets the value of the field specified byfieldName (or fieldNum)
to value. This method returns True if successful; otherwise, it returns False.

You can also set the value of this field using dot notation. For example,
this statement uses dot notation to change the value in the Last Bid field:

tcVar."Last Bid" = 32.25

The following statement uses setFieldValue to change the value in the Last
Bid field:

tcVar.setFieldValue("Last Bid", 32.25)

The "Last Bid" can be a string variable.
or you could set a dynarray and copyfrom...

Kevin Baker <> wrote:
>Hi Everyone,
>Gonna try and keep this short and simple.  I'm trying to update a table

>via tcursor and trying to pass the name of the field I need to update 
>via a variable.  Sample below and I know I need to open and then edit 
>the tcursor, just showing you were I'm getting the error, which by the 
>way is field varStr doesn't exist in the table.  I tried wraping varStr

>in quotes, but no luck with that either.
>varStr="Current Attender"
>tc.varStr="new data"

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