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Subject:Report Print Reformat
Date:11 May 2022 15:11:26 -0400
From:"Steve L" <>

I am using PDX 10 and am having an issue with printing certain reports. When
I generate a standard report which is formatted to print on a letter size
page by running the RSL the data displays on screen with the standard windows
pagination and print options in the tool bar. When I click the windows print
icon I get a pop-up which informs me that each page needs to be reformatted
and that the report needs to be regenerated. When I click OK the report is
regenerated followed by print window. This is a little cumbersome but ok
when running the reports on a machine with the Paradox development version
loaded. However, on any runtime machine when you click ok to reformat the
program completely closes. Any clues how to bypass this. It's important to
be able to print only specific pages at times rather than the entire report.

Steve L

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