Paradox Community

Items in pnews.paradox-development

Subject:Re: Paradox, show images
Date:Sat, 20 Apr 2024 18:36:53 +0200
From:wolf wahn <>
Thank you, Ivan,
your short script is way better than what I have used before to call a 
viewer-program (acdsee or irfanview) to have a full-scale view of large 
images, I'm glad to use it from now on.
Dhtmledit on the other hand allows to integrate images in Paradox forms, 
images perfectly scaled to fit. As dhtmledit is even more obsolete as 
Paradox (the latter is still being sold, after all), I wonder whether 
there was any alternative to that - still working - OCX-control 
Microsoft gave up in 2006 or so. How else can I show jpg-images in 
Paradox forms? Are there any other solutions around?

> i don't know, if this is a solution for your problem too:
> e.g. with a script you can do it like this:
> Uses Shell32
> ShellExecute(hwnd CLONG, lpOperation CPTR, lpFile CPTR, lpParameters 
> CPTR, lpDirectory CPTR, nShowCmd CLONG) CLONG [STDCALL "ShellExecuteA"]
> endUses
> method run(var eventInfo Event)
>    var
>     path String
>    endVar
>    path = "C:\\TEMP\\myPicture.jpg"
>    if isFile(path)
>    then
>       ShellExecute(0, "open", path, "", "", 3)
>    endIf
> endMethod
> you can use it to show different types of files - not only jpg (e.g. 
> PDF, XLS, DOCX, MP4, ...)
> Ivan
> Probably somebody shoud write a kind of installation for the people, how 
> to communicate with through Google / MS Edge 
> ... Not many people will use old SW like Windows Mail for a long time.
> "wolf wahn" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
> news:6620f46c$
>> Hi,
>> before it is too late and this fine newsgroup dead and gone: I am 
>> using dhtmledit to show jpg-images in Paradox (11/win 11). Is there 
>> any other/better way to do this?
>> Thanks to all who contributed here over the years,
>> Wolf 
> ---
> Diese E-Mail wurde von AVG auf Viren geprüft.

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