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Subject:Re: Paradox 11 on Windows 10
Date:Wed, 26 Apr 2023 11:44:46 -0600
From:Liz McGuire <>
Thanks for the confirmation.  I'm using P11.0.0.676 from WPO X5 on Windows 10.  I have no problem
with any of the help files (not sure if that's what you mean by "code assistance help function",
or if you're referring to something else).  But if the help files might have issues under Windows
11, that's another good reason not to upgrade.  Fortunately, I have no need for ODBC drivers.


On 25 Apr 2023 16:44, kisuk wrote:
> Hello Liz i'm using paradox 11 with windows 11. Works fine and fast but the
> code assistance help function in paradox don't work in windows 10 and 11
> i believe i think it only worked in windows 7.
> Also i think i used a different ODBC driver to access my mysql database migrating
> to windows 10 from 7 but so long ago i installed it i dont remember how i
> did it. i think i just downloaded the latest mysql odbc driver from oracle
> at that time.

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