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Subject:Re: Undefined fields and the changeValue event
Date:6 May 2023 00:30:12 -0400
From:"Kevin Zawicki" <>

I would not use the canDepart.

Are you SURE the changevalue event is not firing?

The changevalue event should fire on any way the value is commited.

I tested a plain form with a plain undefined field.
(do the same)

Put this code in the changevalue event.

method changeValue(var eventInfo ValueEvent)
 view(string(self.value))   ;// should see new value

save the form

When I do this, I see the view of the new value on commit when I leave the
field's focus, when I move to other object, when I tab, when I close the
form before form closes, etc.

user selects a button such as close etc., then changeValue doesn't fire,
and the data doesn't write to the table.

Do you have a dodefault first, so that value changes at start of method?
If your code writing the "uncommitted" value, then changing?

Can you post your changevalue code?

I am using Paradox 9 and 10.

changeValue doesn't
>> fire, and the data doesn't write to the table.

Are you sure 

Tom Krieg <> wrote:
>Try moving the code to the CanDepart event. Then issue a doDefault if 
>the code passes or a "... Errormessage ... setErrorCode(CanNotDepart) 
>... Exit()" if the code fails. So there shouldn't be a difference in 
>tabbing or clicking a button.
>On 23/04/2023 2:12 pm, Ivan Kuhle wrote:
>> Just wondering if someone can help with a bothersome issue that occurs
>> an old Paradox application:
>> I have a form with a bunch of undefined fields. On data entry, a
>> changeValue event fires when tabbing to another field. However, if a
>> user selects a button such as close etc., then changeValue doesn't
>> fire, and the data doesn't write to the table. I'm sure there's a
>> simple solution, but I can't remember...
>> Any pointers will be appreciated.
>> The buttons are set to tab stop. Using Paradox 10 on Windows 10.
>> (Sorry if this is the wrong group.)

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