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Subject:Re: Paradox 9 SP 3 unter Windows 10
Date:Sat, 1 Jan 2022 13:47:05 +0100
From:Thies Grimm <>
Moin Wolfgang,

das 1. Problem (Nachschlagefeld definieren führt zum Absturz) läßt sich 
umgehen, indem du die Tabellen-Defintion mit ObjectPal und restruct 
durchführst. Wenn du Hilfe brauchst, sag es kurz, der restruct Befehl 
hat so seine Tücken ...

zum 2. Problem:
Verantwortlich ist eine Pararox-Datei - ich weiß aber nicht mehr welche. 
Das Problem ist abeer in den newgroups öfter beschrieben.
Ich starte Parardox immer über eine Batch Datei s. Anhang (Tipp: pass 
die Variablen an).

Forhes Neues Jahr und schiet op ole Johr! :-)

Thies Grimm

Am 29.12.2021 um 09:26 schrieb Wolfgang Fieg:
> Beim Lauf von Paradox 5.0 unter Windows 10 auf einem 64-Bit-System treten
> zwei Probnleme auf:
> 1. Der Versuch, zu einer Tabelle ein Nachschlagefeld zu definieren, führt
> zum Absturz des Programms.
> 2. Trotz entsprechender Voreinstellung wird der letzte Desktop beim Neustart
> des Programms nicht wiederhergestellt.
> Hat jemand ähnliche Probleme? Kann jemand helfen?
> Wolfgang


:: clean start of Paradox @Echo Off :: **** Variables **** Set Work=D:\Data\Work Set Priv=D:\Data\Priv Set IdapiCfg="C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Borland Shared\BDE\IDAPI32.CFG" SET NetDir=c:\Data SET startScript="D:\Data\Work\frmFileBrowser.fsl" SET pdox="C:\Program Files (x86)\Paradox\Programs\pdxwin32.exe" ECHO. ECHO ******************************************************************************* ECHO **** Variables **** ECHO ******************************************************************************* ECHO Work = %work% ECHO Priv = %Priv% ECHO IdapiCfg = %IdapiCfg% ECHO NetDir = %NetDir% ECHO startScript = %startScript% ECHO pdox = %pdox% ECHO ******************************************************************************* ECHO. :: **** Registry **** :: • Designer reg add HKCU\Software\Corel\Paradox\11.0\PDOXWIN\Designer /v GridSettings /d "cm 1 20" /f >NUL reg add HKCU\Software\Corel\Paradox\11.0\PDOXWIN\Designer /v RulerExtd /d on /f >NUL :: • Editor Window reg add "HKCU\Software\Corel\Paradox\11.0\PDOXWIN\Editor Window" /v "Font name" /d Consolas /f >NUL reg add "HKCU\Software\Corel\Paradox\11.0\PDOXWIN\Editor Window" /v "Font size" /d 13 /f >NUL :: • Properties reg add HKCU\Software\Corel\Paradox\11.0\PDOXWIN\Properties /v DeveloperMenu /d True /f >NUL reg add HKCU\Software\Corel\Paradox\11.0\PDOXWIN\Properties /v Level /d Advanced /f >NUL reg add HKCU\Software\Corel\Paradox\11.0\PDOXWIN\Properties /v ShowStartupExpert /d False /f >NUL :: • BDE LanguageDriver reg add "HKCU\Software\WOW6432Node\Borland\Database Engine\Settings\Drivers\Paradox\Init" /v LangDriver /d ANSII850 /f >NUL :: **** create Dirs **** if not exist %work%\NUL (md %work%) if not exist %priv%\NUL (md %priv%) :: **** delete lock files **** :: • lck Files if exist %work%\PARADOX.LCK (del %work%\PARADOX.LCK /F) if exist %work%\PDOXUSRS.LCK (del %work%\PDOXUSRS.LCK /F) if exist %priv%\PARADOX.LCK (del %priv%\PARADOX.LCK /F) if exist %priv%\PDOXUSRS.LCK (del %priv%\PDOXUSRS.LCK /F) :: • tmp. files if exist %priv%\__*.* (del %priv%\__*.* /F) :: • xml files in priv if exist %priv%\*.xml (del %priv%\*.xml /F) :: • NetDir if exist %NetDir%\PDOXUSRS.NET (del %NetDir%\PDOXUSRS.NET /F) :: start Paradox @Echo On start "" %pdox% -w %work% -p %Priv% -o %IdapiCfg% -c -q %startScript% exit :: Paradox Commandline Options :: -b Prevents multiple instances of Paradox from being loaded. :: -c Starts Paradox with a clear desktop. :: -d Filename Specifies an alternate PDOXWORK.INI :: -e Prevents writes to the system registry. :: -f Forces writes to the system registry. :: -i Filename Specifies an alternate PDOXWIN.INI file :: -m Loads Paradox as a minimized application. :: -n Prevents saving work and private directories on exit. :: -o Filename Alternate BDE configuration file. :: -p Directory Start with a different private directory :: -q Suppresses the Paradox splash screen while it is loading. :: -s Prevents resizing of the Paradox window. :: -t Allows resizing of the Paradox window. :: -w Directory Starts Paradox with the specified working directory. :: -y Forces saving work and private directories on exit. :: StartFile :: PDOXWORK.INI :: folder definitions for use with the Project Viewer :: By default, Paradox does not use an .INI file to store settings, but you can create a file named PDOXWORK.INI in your working directory, and Paradox will read settings from it automatically. :: PDOXWIN.INI :: desktop settings. By default, Paradox does not use an .INI file to store settings, but you can create a file named PDOXWIN.INI and Paradox will read settings from it automatically.

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