Subject: | Re: Query Dialog now indexing all .qbe files - very slow
| Date: | 20 Mar 2024 01:28:11 -0400
| From: | "Kevin Zawicki" <>
| Newsgroups: | pnews.paradox-programming
Project Viewer is open - has to be to use F10 etc.
Not that I can see, mine does not.
Changing to same directory on another SSD - clone from 2 weeks ago has same
Changing to directory without anything paradox in it works just fine.
Can you take the the one on SSD and and trial and error eliminate files to
test? Maybe remove all non QBE files.
Then remoce fist half of QBEs, test.
Etc. See if there is one file that is causing it, or number of files.
Try to narrow it down.
Robert MacMillan <> wrote:
>Some very good questions there.
>Same working directory as previous
>Project Viewer is open - has to be to use F10 etc.
>Same desktop as previous so Project View plus 6 Forms open.
>No job file.
>Changing working directory to another folder with a single query in it
>works just fine.
>Changing to directory without anything paradox in it works just fine.
>Changing to same directory on another SSD - clone from 2 weeks ago has
>same behaviour. Ditto for one from two years ago.
>Windows indexing is on. Nothing has been changed.
>So the next thing I am going to try is do a chkdsk although if that was
>the problem the other two drives tried cant have the same issue.
>Anyway. Very strange.
>Thanks for the suggestions.
>On 19/03/2024 3:59 PM, Kevin Zawicki wrote:
>> Some things to try and report back on:
>> Working directory, anything change?
>> Is working path local or on network?
>> Is the Project Viewer open?
>> Clean Paradox desktop?
>> Does the working folder have a *.JOB file in it?
>> Change working directory to another folder, same behavior?
>> Change working directory to an empty folder, same behavior?
>> Change working directory to another folder on other drive if possible,
>> behavior?
>> Windows indexing on? Anything change?
>> Robert MacMillan <> wrote:
>>> Hi there.
>>> this is an odd one. My system has been rock solid for years but
>>> yesterday opening the query dialogue box has slowed down dramatically.
>>> So F10 - F - O - Q brings up the dialogue box. It now takes around 12
>>> seconds for the box to become responsive. It appears that Paradox is
>>> scanning all the files in the directory rather than being almost instant.
>>> Doing exactly the same thing for Tables or Libraries or anything else
>>> as before. Almost instant.
>>> It is as though an index or lookup table has become corrupted.
>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>> Thanks
>>> Robert