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Subject:Re: Pdox11 - Win11 - Print
Date:Mon, 17 Jun 2024 15:19:31 +0200
From:"Jure Z" <>
For password protecting PDFs I use qpdf.exe
and call it:

    exe = fullname(":TOOLS:\\qpdf\\qpdf.exe")
    param = "--encrypt \"" +myPass+ "\" \"" +myPass+ "\" 128 -- \""  
+fullname(pdf) +"\" --replace-input"
   execute(exe+" "+param)


On Mon, 17 Jun 2024 12:57:06 +0200, Ivan <> wrote:

> OK
> the pdf solution seems to be a good workaround, if I will need it later.
> a question to pdf. writer (never heard about Doro before - but found it  
> now
> in internet):
> Is it possible to set directly (eg. with OPAL) some properties for the
> printed pdf-file (before it's created or after it's printed)?
> - set owner and user passwords (to encrypt it)
> - set some properties (e.g. pdf can be printed, but not modified ...)
> In this case it'll be usable for sending most of the created PDFs  
> directly
> with e-mail to the addressee (and not to print them out).
> Rem.: I solved this with FreeSpirePDF [Ver 10.2.0 don't use watermarks  
> for
> small pdfs - i.e. 1-2 pages] to send invoices with e-mails to customers.
> Only thing to do, is to negotiate with the customer a password first.  
> This
> solution works just for x64 win-versions (64 bit). For me it's ok, but  
> there
> are some users, who uses x86 (32 bit) win-versions by now and therefore  
> it's
> not generally usable for all users.
> Ivan
> "Jure Z" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>> Check standard things:
>> * short printer names (max 30 chars)
>> * set a default printer
>> * uninstall unused printers (fax, OneNote, XPS, ...)
>> There are still some situatons, where printerSetCurrent() fails.
>> On those machines I use Doro PDF Writer which I set as default,
>> always "print" to Doro, and then "send" created PDF to printer with
>> PdfTpPrinter.exe
>> So paradox does not have to use printerSetCurrent().
>> Jure
>> On Mon, 17 Jun 2024 08:48:22 +0200, Ivan <> wrote:
>>> I've read a message about Pdox11:
>>> that a user has problems with pdox11 on win11 with the method
>>>     printerSetCurrent()
>>> This function call allways hanging. Can somebody confirm this?
>>> I'm using Pdox9 and use this function too (within each print, to set  
>>> the
>>> desired printer). I myself don't use Win11 by now, but have customers,
>>> who use it. No one reports, that he can't print.
>>> Are there any experiences with it?
>>> Ivan
> ---
> Diese E-Mail wurde von AVG auf Viren geprüft.

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