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Subject:Re: Pdox11 - Win11 - Print
Date:Sat, 13 Jul 2024 09:18:19 +0100 (GMT+01:00)
From:Richard <>
"Kevin Zawicki" <> Wrote in message:r
> If you look through posts here there is a lot said about it.I have posted all my findings
here in the past.As others said:>There are still some situations, where printerSetCurrent()
fails.<I have seen this on the last 3-4 versions of Windows and Paradox 9 and up.Various
combinations. The worst part is that I have had machines where itwas fine for years, no major
Windows version change or Paradox version changeand it just starts to fail. And oddly when
it starts, it seemed to work sometimes,then
fail more frequently to being unusable. I once waiting about 12 hoursfor the spinning to come
back, never did.I had one instance where a PC reboot fixed it every time. Sometimes rollingback
Windows updates fixed it. Sometimes removing all printers and loadingthem back one by one fixes
it. Wipe drive and reload windows always fixedit. Reinstalling Paradox never fixed it. The
“nvidia graphics driver” comment is interesting, have not heard that,but maybe changing that
driver might shake it loose?When
this first started, I used sendkeys to change printers via the menu.Horrible, but worked. The
sendkeys slowly failed for various reasons.My plan B was to (as others said) print to PDF or
other static printer name,then print that PDF to where ever need.I use Adobe Acrobat, you must
alter some on the fly registry setting to controlthe output file name. Not the worst, I build
a pdox library to handle it,and have had to update it when Windows or Adobe version change.Note:
I think (after searching) the
current printer is stored in memory,not in registry and not anywhere in a file. FYIThis newsgroup
is migrating to free to post there"Ivan" <>
wrote:>I've read a message about Pdox11:>>>>that
a user has problems with pdox11 on win11 with the method>>    printerSetCurrent()>>This
function call allways hanging. Can somebody confirm this?>>I'm using Pdox9 and use this
function too (within
each print, to set the>desired printer). I myself don't use Win11 by now, but have customers,
who=>>use it. No one reports, that he can't print.>>Are there any experiences with
it?>>Ivan >>>--->Diese E-Mail wurde von AVG auf Viren gepr=C3=BCft.>>

Using win11 diagnostics I found this

-- "data": {
"ProcessId": 2344,
"ProcessCreateTime": "2024-07-11T07:32:36.3740486Z",
"TypeCode": 134217888,
"AppName": "pdxwin32.exe",
"AppVersion": 202380508254961674,
"PackageFullName": "",
"PackageRelativeAppId": "",
"WaitingOnAppName": "ShellExperienceHost.exe",
"WaitingOnAppVersion": 1033673270936731658,
"WaitingOnPackageFullName": "Microsoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost
"WaitingOnPackageRelativeAppId": "App",
"ProcessArchitecture": 0,
"ReportId": "c8abc843-ca6e-498a-8e73-a19f4501d064",
"AppSessionGuid": "00000928-0002-0042-4695-4F8064D3DA01",
"TargetAppId": "W:0000f993f0cd35964e1db85048f8f301bdfc00000904!000
"TargetAppVer": "1970/01/01:00:00:00!0!pdxwin32.exe",
"TargetAsId": 1658,
"IsFatal": true

A reboot restores normal printing, but  I've not found a permanent
 solution to the ShellExperienceHost problem


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